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Messages posté(e)s par gtasan112

  1. Bonjour à tous et à toute,

    j'aimerais ajouté un script à mon main.scm mais je ne sais pas comment il faut faire :/

    Alors si qelqu'un pourrait m'aidé, se serait super.

    Merci d'avance.


    Et voilà le script :







    DEFINE OBJECT cj_bear_bottle ; Object number -389 added by rolla



    004F: create_thread ££DRUNK

    004F: create_thread ££SMOKE

    004F: create_thread ££DRINK





    03A4: name thread 'DRUNK'

    09E2: $rollacar = parked_car_generator_w_numberplate 567 93 03 0 alarm 0 door_lock 0 0 10000 plate "_ROLLA__" at 2504.047 -1678.798 13.37605 angle 16.0

    014C: set_parked_car_generator $rollacar cars_to_generate_to 101

    0004: $smokeon = 0

    0004: $weednum = 1

    04ED: load_animation "GANGS"

    0247: request model #CIGAR

    0006: @78 = 1




    0213: @2 = create_pickup -201 type 3 at 2247.395 -1253.71 24.0 //game start (weed)

    0213: @3 = create_pickup -201 type 3 at 2458.654 -1717.004 12.0 //ryders house (weed)

    0213: @4 = create_pickup -201 type 3 at 511.1169 -72.95301 997.0 //bar (weed)



    0213: @6 = create_pickup #CIGAR type 3 at 2463.143 -1712.092 13.50691 //ryders house (blunt)

    0213: @7 = create_pickup #CIGAR type 3 at 2253.906 -1250.897 25.45253 //game start (blunt)

    0213: @8 = create_pickup #CIGAR type 3 at 510.2982 -76.86326 998.7578 //bar (blunt)



    0001: wait 500 ms

    00D6: if 22

    0214: pickup @2 picked up

    0214: pickup @3 picked up

    0214: pickup @4 picked up

    004D: jump if false ££DRUNK41

    0215: destroy pickup @2

    0215: destroy pickup @3

    0215: destroy pickup @4

    0004: $weednum = 0

    0004: $bottlenum = 0

    016A: fade 0 () 500 ms

    0001: wait 1000 ms

    0002: jump ££DRUNK42



    00D6: if 22

    0214: pickup @6 picked up

    0214: pickup @7 picked up

    0214: pickup @8 picked up

    004D: jump if false ££DRUNK8

    0215: destroy pickup @6

    0215: destroy pickup @7

    0215: destroy pickup @8

    0004: $weednum = 1

    0004: $bottlenum = 0

    03FD: set player $PLAYER_CHAR handling responsiveness 1

    052C: set player $PLAYER_CHAR drunk visuals 0

    015D: set gamespeed 1.0

    016A: fade 0 () 500 ms

    0001: wait 1000 ms

    0002: jump ££DRUNK5


    :DRUNK42; weed

    00D6: if 0

    0038: $smokeon == 0

    004D: jump_if_false ££DRUNK45

    03FD: set player $PLAYER_CHAR handling responsiveness 5

    052C: set player $PLAYER_CHAR drunk visuals 255

    015D: set gamespeed .75

    0002: jump ££DRUNK5


    :DRUNK45; if pickup already picked up, do this

    03FD: set player $PLAYER_CHAR handling responsiveness 1

    052C: set player $PLAYER_CHAR drunk visuals 0

    015D: set gamespeed 1.0

    0004: $smokeon = 0

    0108: destroy_object $blunt

    0004: $weednum = 1

    0004: $blunton = 0

    0004: $bottlenum = 0

    016A: fade 1 (back) 500 ms

    0001: wait 10000 ms

    0002: jump ££DRUNK3


    :DRUNK5; blunt goes straight here, weed goes here after effects are made

    00D6: if 0

    0038: $smokeon == 0

    004D: jump_if_false ££DRUNK45

    04ED: load_animation "smoking"

    0247: request model #CIGAR

    0004: $smokeon = 1



    00D6: if 0

    0038: $drinkon == 1

    004D: jump if false ££DRUNK7

    0004: $drinkon = 0

    0108: destroy_object $bottle



    0001: wait 500 ms

    00A0: store_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR position_to $x $y $z

    0107: $blunt = create_object #CIGAR at $x $y $z

    070A: unknown_action_sequence $PLAYER_ACTOR $blunt .04 .1 .05 6 16 "NULL" "NULL" -1

    0004: $blunton = 1

    016A: fade 1 (back) 500 ms

    0002: jump ££DRUNK3



    00D6: if 0

    0038: $smokeon == 1

    004D: jump if false ££DRUNK4


    :DRUNK81234 ;this keeps the drunk effect going on, no more wearing off!

    00D6: if 2

    0038: $weednum == 0

    0038: $drinkon == 0

    0038: $smokeon == 1

    004D: jump_if_false ££DRUNK812



    00D6: if 21

    8039: NOT player $PLAYER_CHAR drunk visuals == 255

    8039: NOT player $PLAYER_CHAR handling responsiveness == 5

    004D: jump_if_false ££DRUNK812

    03FD: set player $PLAYER_CHAR handling responsiveness 5

    052C: set player $PLAYER_CHAR drunk visuals 255

    015D: set gamespeed .75



    00D6: if 2

    0038: $blunton == 1

    0038: $smokeon == 1

    80DF: NOT actor $PLAYER_ACTOR driving

    004D: jump_if_false ££DRUNK85



    00D6: if 0

    00E1: key pressed 0 15; enter car

    004D: jump_if_false ££DRUNK81

    0002: jump ££DRUNK82



    00D6: if 21

    02D8: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR currentweapon == 0

    02D8: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR currentweapon == 1

    004D: jump_if_false ££DRUNK82

    0002: jump ££DRUNK9



    0108: destroy_object $blunt

    0004: $blunton = 0

    0002: jump ££DRUNK9




    00D6: if 2

    0038: $blunton == 0

    0038: $smokeon == 1

    80DF: NOT actor $PLAYER_ACTOR driving

    004D: jump_if_false ££DRUNK9



    00D6: if 22

    00E1: key pressed 0 15; enter car

    02D8: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR currentweapon == 0

    02D8: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR currentweapon == 1

    004D: jump_if_false ££DRUNK9



    00D6: if 2; if running to a car

    80E1: NOT key pressed 0 0; move

    80E1: NOT key pressed 0 1;move

    82A0: NOT actor $PLAYER_ACTOR stopped

    004D: jump_if_false ££DRUNK88

    0002: jump ££DRUNK9



    00A0: store_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR position_to $x $y $z

    0107: $blunt = create_object #CIGAR at $x $y $z

    070A: unknown_action_sequence $PLAYER_ACTOR $blunt .04 .1 .05 6 16 "NULL" "NULL" -1

    0004: $blunton = 1



    00D6: if 25

    00E1: key pressed 0 0; move

    00E1: key pressed 0 1;move

    00E1: key pressed 0 15;enter/exit

    00E1: key pressed 0 17;shoot

    00E1: key pressed 0 14;jump

    00E1: key pressed 0 18;crouch

    004D: jump_if_false ££DRUNK10

    00D6: if 0


    004D: jump_if_false ££DRUNK10

    00D6: if 0

    80DF: NOT actor $PLAYER_ACTOR driving

    004D: jump_if_false ££DRUNK10

    0605: unknown_action_sequence $PLAYER_ACTOR "PRTIAL_GNGTLKC" "GANGS" 1.0 0 0 0 0 1



    00D6: if 2

    047A: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR on_motorbike

    82A0: NOT actor $PLAYER_ACTOR stopped


    004D: jump_if_false ££DRUNK11

    0605: unknown_action_sequence $PLAYER_ACTOR "PRTIAL_GNGTLKC" "GANGS" 1.0 0 0 0 0 1



    00D6: if 5

    00DF: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR driving

    0038: $blunton == 0

    0038: $smokeon == 1

    80E1: NOT key pressed 0 17;shoot

    80E1: NOT key pressed 0 5;look l

    80E1: NOT key pressed 0 7;look r

    004D: jump_if_false ££DRUNK12

    00A0: store_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR position_to $x $y $z

    0107: $blunt = create_object #CIGAR at $x $y $z

    070A: unknown_action_sequence $PLAYER_ACTOR $blunt .04 .1 .05 6 16 "NULL" "NULL" -1

    0004: $blunton = 1



    00D6: if 2

    00DF: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR driving

    0038: $blunton == 1

    0038: $smokeon == 1

    004D: jump_if_false ££DRUNK4



    00D6: if 22

    00E1: key pressed 0 17;shoot

    00E1: key pressed 0 5;look l

    00E1: key pressed 0 7;look r

    004D: jump_if_false ££DRUNK4

    0605: unknown_action_sequence $PLAYER_ACTOR "PRTIAL_GNGTLKC" "GANGS" 1.0 0 0 0 0 1

    0108: destroy_object $blunt

    0004: $blunton = 0

    0002: jump ££DRUNK4

    004E: end thread



    03A4: name thread 'SMOKE'



    0004: $startcount = 0

    0001: wait 250 ms

    0004: $smokecount = 15

    0004: $drinkcount = 20



    00D6: if 0

    80DF: NOT actor $PLAYER_ACTOR driving

    004D: jump_if_false ££SMOKE15

    00D6: if 21

    02D8: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR currentweapon == 0

    02D8: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR currentweapon == 1

    004D: jump_if_false ££SMOKE05



    00D6: if 21

    02A0: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR stopped

    00DF: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR driving

    004D: jump_if_false ££SMOKE05

    0001: wait 250 ms

    0008: $startcount += 1 ;; integer values

    00D6: if 0

    8038: NOT $smokecount == 15

    004D: jump_if_false ££SMOKE16

    0008: $smokecount += 1



    00D6: if 0

    8038: NOT $drinkcount == 20

    004D: jump_if_false ££SMOKE2

    0008: $drinkcount += 1



    00D6: if 21

    0031: $startcount >= 10

    00DF: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR driving

    004D: jump_if_false ££SMOKE1

    00D6: if 0

    0038: $smokeon == 1

    004D: jump_if_false ££SMOKE3



    00D6: if 0


    004D: jump_if_false ££SMOKE25


    00D6: if 1

    0031: @6 >= .4 ;; floating-point values

    0023: .7 > @6 ;; floating-point values

    004D: jump_if_false ££SMOKE23

    064C: @13

    0669: "EXHALE" $PLAYER_ACTOR 0.0 0.0 0.0 1 @13

    0883: @13 $PLAYER_ACTOR 5



    00D6: if 0


    004D: jump_if_false ££SMOKE25


    00D6: if 0

    0031: @6 >= .7 ;; floating-point values

    004D: jump_if_false ££SMOKE24

    0650: @13



    00D6: if 0

    00DF: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR driving

    004D: jump_if_false ££SMOKE1



    00D6: if 7

    00DF: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR driving

    82A0: NOT actor $PLAYER_ACTOR stopped

    847A: NOT actor $PLAYER_ACTOR on_motorbike

    0038: $blunton == 1

    0038: $smokecount == 15

    80E1: NOT key pressed 0 17;shoot

    80E1: NOT key pressed 0 5;look l

    80E1: NOT key pressed 0 7;look r

    004D: jump_if_false ££SMOKE255

    0605: unknown_action_sequence $PLAYER_ACTOR "SMOKE_IN_CAR" "PED" 1.0 0 0 0 0 0

    0004: $smokecount = 0

    0002: jump ££SMOKE1



    00D6: if 5

    00DF: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR driving

    02A0: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR stopped

    0038: $blunton == 1

    80E1: NOT key pressed 0 17;shoot

    80E1: NOT key pressed 0 5;look l

    80E1: NOT key pressed 0 7;look r

    004D: jump_if_false ££SMOKE26

    0605: unknown_action_sequence $PLAYER_ACTOR "SMKCIG_PRTL" "GANGS" 1.0 0 0 0 0 0

    0002: jump ££SMOKE1



    00D6: if 5

    80DF: NOT actor $PLAYER_ACTOR driving

    02A0: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR stopped

    80E1: NOT key pressed 0 17;shoot

    80E1: NOT key pressed 0 5;look l

    80E1: NOT key pressed 0 7;look r

    0038: $blunton == 1

    004D: jump_if_false ££SMOKE1

    0605: unknown_action_sequence $PLAYER_ACTOR "SMKCIG_PRTL" "GANGS" 1.0 0 0 0 0 0

    0002: jump ££SMOKE1



    00D6: if 7

    0038: $drinkon == 1

    0038: $bottleon == 1


    847A: NOT actor $PLAYER_ACTOR on_motorbike

    0038: $drinkcount == 20

    80E1: NOT key pressed 0 17;shoot

    80E1: NOT key pressed 0 5;look l

    80E1: NOT key pressed 0 7;look r

    004D: jump_if_false ££SMOKE1

    0605: unknown_action_sequence $PLAYER_ACTOR "DRNKBR_PRTL" "GANGS" 1.0 0 0 0 0 0

    0004: $drinkcount = 0

    0002: jump ££SMOKE1

    004E: end thread



    03A4: name thread 'DRINK'

    04ED: load_animation "GANGS"

    0247: request model #KB_BEER

    0247: request model #cj_bear_bottle

    0004: $drinkon = 0

    0006: @30 = 1

    0006: @31 = 1

    0004: $bottlenum = 0



    0213: @2 = create_pickup #KB_BEER type 3 at 2251.814 -1255.919 25.45161 //game start (beer)

    0213: @3 = create_pickup #KB_BEER type 3 at 2450.654 -1710.004 13.56381 //ryders house (beer)

    0213: @4 = create_pickup #KB_BEER type 3 at 499.9867 -76.86562 999.6047 //bar (beer)


    0213: @6 = create_pickup -389 type 3 at 2254.729 -1254.212 25.45676 //game start (wine)

    0213: @7 = create_pickup -389 type 3 at 2450.213 -1716.74 13.6833 //ryders house (wine)

    0213: @8 = create_pickup -389 type 3 at 499.0795 -73.34201 998.7578 //bar (wine)



    0001: wait 500 ms

    00D6: if 22

    0214: pickup @6 picked up

    0214: pickup @7 picked up

    0214: pickup @8 picked up

    004D: jump if false ££DRINK41

    0215: destroy pickup @6

    0215: destroy pickup @7

    0215: destroy pickup @8

    0004: $bottlenum = 2

    016A: fade 0 () 500 ms

    0001: wait 1000 ms

    0002: jump ££DRINK42



    00D6: if 22

    0214: pickup @2 picked up

    0214: pickup @3 picked up

    0214: pickup @4 picked up

    004D: jump if false ££DRINK6

    0215: destroy pickup @2

    0215: destroy pickup @3

    0215: destroy pickup @4

    0004: $bottlenum = 1

    016A: fade 0 () 500 ms

    0001: wait 1000 ms

    0006: @55 = -389

    0006: @30 = 0

    0006: @31 = 0

    03FD: set player $PLAYER_CHAR handling responsiveness 1

    052C: set player $PLAYER_CHAR drunk visuals 0

    015D: set gamespeed 1.0

    0002: jump ££DRINK45


    :DRINK42 ;wine bottle pickup code

    00D6: if 0

    0038: $drinkon == 0

    004D: jump_if_false ££DRINK35

    03FD: set player $PLAYER_CHAR handling responsiveness 5

    052C: set player $PLAYER_CHAR drunk visuals 255

    015D: set gamespeed 1.0

    0006: @55 = -389

    0006: @30 = 0

    0006: @31 = 0

    0002: jump ££DRINK45


    :DRINK35 ;if bottle has been picked up, execute this

    00D6: if 0

    0038: $drinkon == 1

    004D: jump if false ££DRINK3

    0004: $drinkon = 0

    0108: destroy_object $bottle

    0004: $bottlenum = 0

    0004: $bottleon = 0

    03FD: set player $PLAYER_CHAR handling responsiveness 1

    052C: set player $PLAYER_CHAR drunk visuals 0

    015D: set gamespeed 1.0

    0006: @30 = 1

    0006: @31 = 1

    016A: fade 1 (back) 500 ms

    0001: wait 10000 ms

    0002: jump ££DRINK2


    :DRINK45 ;beer bottle pickup code (and eventual wine code)

    00D6: if 0

    0038: $drinkon == 0

    004D: jump if false ££DRINK35

    0004: $drinkon = 1 ;set drink pickup picked up

    0004: $smokeon = 0 ;set weed pickup not picked up

    04C4: create_coordinate $x $y $z from_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR offset 0.0 0.0 0.0

    0107: $bottle = create_object @55 at $x $y $z

    0177: set_object $bottle z_angle_to 90.0

    035D: toggle_object $bottle targetable 1

    0004: $bottleon = 1

    070A: unknown_action_sequence $PLAYER_ACTOR $bottle @31 @31 @30 6 16 "NULL" "NULL" -1 //left

    016A: fade 1 (back) 500 ms

    0002: jump ££DRINK2



    00D6: if 0

    0038: $drinkon == 1

    004D: jump if false ££DRINK3


    :DRINK61 ;this keeps the drunk effect going on, no more wearing off!

    00D6: if 2

    0038: $bottlenum == 2

    0038: $smokeon == 0

    0038: $drinkon == 1

    004D: jump_if_false ££DRINK812



    00D6: if 21

    8039: NOT player $PLAYER_CHAR drunk visuals == 255

    8039: NOT player $PLAYER_CHAR handling responsiveness == 5

    004D: jump_if_false ££DRINK812

    03FD: set player $PLAYER_CHAR handling responsiveness 5

    052C: set player $PLAYER_CHAR drunk visuals 255



    00D6: if 2

    0038: $bottleon == 1

    0038: $drinkon == 1

    80DF: NOT actor $PLAYER_ACTOR driving

    004D: jump_if_false ££DRINK85



    00D6: if 0

    00E1: key pressed 0 15; enter car

    004D: jump_if_false ££DRINK81

    0002: jump ££DRINK82



    00D6: if 21

    02D8: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR currentweapon == 0

    02D8: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR currentweapon == 1

    004D: jump_if_false ££DRINK82

    0002: jump ££DRINK9



    0108: destroy_object $bottle

    0004: $bottleon = 0

    0002: jump ££DRINK9




    00D6: if 2

    0038: $bottleon == 0

    0038: $drinkon == 1

    80DF: NOT actor $PLAYER_ACTOR driving

    004D: jump_if_false ££DRINK9



    00D6: if 22

    00E1: key pressed 0 15; enter car

    02D8: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR currentweapon == 0

    02D8: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR currentweapon == 1

    004D: jump_if_false ££DRINK9



    00D6: if 2; if running to a car

    80E1: NOT key pressed 0 0; move

    80E1: NOT key pressed 0 1;move

    82A0: NOT actor $PLAYER_ACTOR stopped

    004D: jump_if_false ££DRINK88

    0002: jump ££DRINK9



    00D6: if 0

    0038: $drinkon == 1

    04C4: create_coordinate $x $y $z from_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR offset 0.0 0.0 0.0

    0107: $bottle = create_object @55 at $x $y $z

    070A: unknown_action_sequence $PLAYER_ACTOR $bottle @31 @31 @30 6 16 "NULL" "NULL" -1

    0004: $bottleon = 1



    00D6: if 25

    00E1: key pressed 0 0; move

    00E1: key pressed 0 1;move

    00E1: key pressed 0 15;enter/exit

    00E1: key pressed 0 17;shoot

    00E1: key pressed 0 14;jump

    00E1: key pressed 0 18;crouch

    004D: jump_if_false ££DRINK11

    00D6: if 1


    80DF: NOT actor $PLAYER_ACTOR driving

    004D: jump_if_false ££DRINK11

    0605: unknown_action_sequence $PLAYER_ACTOR "PRTIAL_GNGTLKC" "GANGS" 1.0 0 0 0 0 1



    00D6: if 5

    00DF: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR driving

    0038: $bottleon == 0

    0038: $drinkon == 1

    80E1: NOT key pressed 0 17;shoot

    80E1: NOT key pressed 0 5;look l

    80E1: NOT key pressed 0 7;look r

    004D: jump_if_false ££DRINK12

    04C4: create_coordinate $x $y $z from_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR offset 0.0 0.0 0.0

    0107: $bottle = create_object @55 at $x $y $z

    070A: unknown_action_sequence $PLAYER_ACTOR $bottle @31 @31 @30 6 16 "NULL" "NULL" -1

    0004: $bottleon = 1



    00D6: if 2

    00DF: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR driving

    0038: $bottleon == 1

    0038: $drinkon == 1

    004D: jump_if_false ££DRINK3



    00D6: if 22

    00E1: key pressed 0 17;shoot

    00E1: key pressed 0 5;look l

    00E1: key pressed 0 7;look r

    004D: jump_if_false ££DRINK3

    0605: unknown_action_sequence $PLAYER_ACTOR "PRTIAL_GNGTLKC" "GANGS" 1.0 0 0 0 0 1

    0108: destroy_object $bottle

    0004: $bottleon = 0

    0002: jump ££DRINK3

    004E: end thread




  2. Bonjour à tous et à toute,

    j'aimerais mettre çe script dans un fichier .cs (cleo) mais je ne sais pas comment faire.

    J'ai déjà esseyez avec sanny builder mais à chaque fois il me creer un fichier texte au lieu d'un script .cs...

    Alors si quelqu'un si connaît et aurait la bonté de me le dire ce serait super. :)

    Merci beaucoup d'avance.


    Si jamais c'est ce script la :







    DEFINE OBJECT cj_bear_bottle ; Object number -389 added by rolla



    004F: create_thread ££DRUNK

    004F: create_thread ££SMOKE

    004F: create_thread ££DRINK





    03A4: name thread 'DRUNK'

    09E2: $rollacar = parked_car_generator_w_numberplate 567 93 03 0 alarm 0 door_lock 0 0 10000 plate "_ROLLA__" at 2504.047 -1678.798 13.37605 angle 16.0

    014C: set_parked_car_generator $rollacar cars_to_generate_to 101

    0004: $smokeon = 0

    0004: $weednum = 1

    04ED: load_animation "GANGS"

    0247: request model #CIGAR

    0006: @78 = 1




    0213: @2 = create_pickup -201 type 3 at 2247.395 -1253.71 24.0 //game start (weed)

    0213: @3 = create_pickup -201 type 3 at 2458.654 -1717.004 12.0 //ryders house (weed)

    0213: @4 = create_pickup -201 type 3 at 511.1169 -72.95301 997.0 //bar (weed)



    0213: @6 = create_pickup #CIGAR type 3 at 2463.143 -1712.092 13.50691 //ryders house (blunt)

    0213: @7 = create_pickup #CIGAR type 3 at 2253.906 -1250.897 25.45253 //game start (blunt)

    0213: @8 = create_pickup #CIGAR type 3 at 510.2982 -76.86326 998.7578 //bar (blunt)



    0001: wait 500 ms

    00D6: if 22

    0214: pickup @2 picked up

    0214: pickup @3 picked up

    0214: pickup @4 picked up

    004D: jump if false ££DRUNK41

    0215: destroy pickup @2

    0215: destroy pickup @3

    0215: destroy pickup @4

    0004: $weednum = 0

    0004: $bottlenum = 0

    016A: fade 0 () 500 ms

    0001: wait 1000 ms

    0002: jump ££DRUNK42



    00D6: if 22

    0214: pickup @6 picked up

    0214: pickup @7 picked up

    0214: pickup @8 picked up

    004D: jump if false ££DRUNK8

    0215: destroy pickup @6

    0215: destroy pickup @7

    0215: destroy pickup @8

    0004: $weednum = 1

    0004: $bottlenum = 0

    03FD: set player $PLAYER_CHAR handling responsiveness 1

    052C: set player $PLAYER_CHAR drunk visuals 0

    015D: set gamespeed 1.0

    016A: fade 0 () 500 ms

    0001: wait 1000 ms

    0002: jump ££DRUNK5


    :DRUNK42; weed

    00D6: if 0

    0038: $smokeon == 0

    004D: jump_if_false ££DRUNK45

    03FD: set player $PLAYER_CHAR handling responsiveness 5

    052C: set player $PLAYER_CHAR drunk visuals 255

    015D: set gamespeed .75

    0002: jump ££DRUNK5


    :DRUNK45; if pickup already picked up, do this

    03FD: set player $PLAYER_CHAR handling responsiveness 1

    052C: set player $PLAYER_CHAR drunk visuals 0

    015D: set gamespeed 1.0

    0004: $smokeon = 0

    0108: destroy_object $blunt

    0004: $weednum = 1

    0004: $blunton = 0

    0004: $bottlenum = 0

    016A: fade 1 (back) 500 ms

    0001: wait 10000 ms

    0002: jump ££DRUNK3


    :DRUNK5; blunt goes straight here, weed goes here after effects are made

    00D6: if 0

    0038: $smokeon == 0

    004D: jump_if_false ££DRUNK45

    04ED: load_animation "smoking"

    0247: request model #CIGAR

    0004: $smokeon = 1



    00D6: if 0

    0038: $drinkon == 1

    004D: jump if false ££DRUNK7

    0004: $drinkon = 0

    0108: destroy_object $bottle



    0001: wait 500 ms

    00A0: store_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR position_to $x $y $z

    0107: $blunt = create_object #CIGAR at $x $y $z

    070A: unknown_action_sequence $PLAYER_ACTOR $blunt .04 .1 .05 6 16 "NULL" "NULL" -1

    0004: $blunton = 1

    016A: fade 1 (back) 500 ms

    0002: jump ££DRUNK3



    00D6: if 0

    0038: $smokeon == 1

    004D: jump if false ££DRUNK4


    :DRUNK81234 ;this keeps the drunk effect going on, no more wearing off!

    00D6: if 2

    0038: $weednum == 0

    0038: $drinkon == 0

    0038: $smokeon == 1

    004D: jump_if_false ££DRUNK812



    00D6: if 21

    8039: NOT player $PLAYER_CHAR drunk visuals == 255

    8039: NOT player $PLAYER_CHAR handling responsiveness == 5

    004D: jump_if_false ££DRUNK812

    03FD: set player $PLAYER_CHAR handling responsiveness 5

    052C: set player $PLAYER_CHAR drunk visuals 255

    015D: set gamespeed .75



    00D6: if 2

    0038: $blunton == 1

    0038: $smokeon == 1

    80DF: NOT actor $PLAYER_ACTOR driving

    004D: jump_if_false ££DRUNK85



    00D6: if 0

    00E1: key pressed 0 15; enter car

    004D: jump_if_false ££DRUNK81

    0002: jump ££DRUNK82



    00D6: if 21

    02D8: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR currentweapon == 0

    02D8: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR currentweapon == 1

    004D: jump_if_false ££DRUNK82

    0002: jump ££DRUNK9



    0108: destroy_object $blunt

    0004: $blunton = 0

    0002: jump ££DRUNK9




    00D6: if 2

    0038: $blunton == 0

    0038: $smokeon == 1

    80DF: NOT actor $PLAYER_ACTOR driving

    004D: jump_if_false ££DRUNK9



    00D6: if 22

    00E1: key pressed 0 15; enter car

    02D8: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR currentweapon == 0

    02D8: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR currentweapon == 1

    004D: jump_if_false ££DRUNK9



    00D6: if 2; if running to a car

    80E1: NOT key pressed 0 0; move

    80E1: NOT key pressed 0 1;move

    82A0: NOT actor $PLAYER_ACTOR stopped

    004D: jump_if_false ££DRUNK88

    0002: jump ££DRUNK9



    00A0: store_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR position_to $x $y $z

    0107: $blunt = create_object #CIGAR at $x $y $z

    070A: unknown_action_sequence $PLAYER_ACTOR $blunt .04 .1 .05 6 16 "NULL" "NULL" -1

    0004: $blunton = 1



    00D6: if 25

    00E1: key pressed 0 0; move

    00E1: key pressed 0 1;move

    00E1: key pressed 0 15;enter/exit

    00E1: key pressed 0 17;shoot

    00E1: key pressed 0 14;jump

    00E1: key pressed 0 18;crouch

    004D: jump_if_false ££DRUNK10

    00D6: if 0


    004D: jump_if_false ££DRUNK10

    00D6: if 0

    80DF: NOT actor $PLAYER_ACTOR driving

    004D: jump_if_false ££DRUNK10

    0605: unknown_action_sequence $PLAYER_ACTOR "PRTIAL_GNGTLKC" "GANGS" 1.0 0 0 0 0 1



    00D6: if 2

    047A: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR on_motorbike

    82A0: NOT actor $PLAYER_ACTOR stopped


    004D: jump_if_false ££DRUNK11

    0605: unknown_action_sequence $PLAYER_ACTOR "PRTIAL_GNGTLKC" "GANGS" 1.0 0 0 0 0 1



    00D6: if 5

    00DF: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR driving

    0038: $blunton == 0

    0038: $smokeon == 1

    80E1: NOT key pressed 0 17;shoot

    80E1: NOT key pressed 0 5;look l

    80E1: NOT key pressed 0 7;look r

    004D: jump_if_false ££DRUNK12

    00A0: store_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR position_to $x $y $z

    0107: $blunt = create_object #CIGAR at $x $y $z

    070A: unknown_action_sequence $PLAYER_ACTOR $blunt .04 .1 .05 6 16 "NULL" "NULL" -1

    0004: $blunton = 1



    00D6: if 2

    00DF: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR driving

    0038: $blunton == 1

    0038: $smokeon == 1

    004D: jump_if_false ££DRUNK4



    00D6: if 22

    00E1: key pressed 0 17;shoot

    00E1: key pressed 0 5;look l

    00E1: key pressed 0 7;look r

    004D: jump_if_false ££DRUNK4

    0605: unknown_action_sequence $PLAYER_ACTOR "PRTIAL_GNGTLKC" "GANGS" 1.0 0 0 0 0 1

    0108: destroy_object $blunt

    0004: $blunton = 0

    0002: jump ££DRUNK4

    004E: end thread



    03A4: name thread 'SMOKE'



    0004: $startcount = 0

    0001: wait 250 ms

    0004: $smokecount = 15

    0004: $drinkcount = 20



    00D6: if 0

    80DF: NOT actor $PLAYER_ACTOR driving

    004D: jump_if_false ££SMOKE15

    00D6: if 21

    02D8: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR currentweapon == 0

    02D8: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR currentweapon == 1

    004D: jump_if_false ££SMOKE05



    00D6: if 21

    02A0: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR stopped

    00DF: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR driving

    004D: jump_if_false ££SMOKE05

    0001: wait 250 ms

    0008: $startcount += 1 ;; integer values

    00D6: if 0

    8038: NOT $smokecount == 15

    004D: jump_if_false ££SMOKE16

    0008: $smokecount += 1



    00D6: if 0

    8038: NOT $drinkcount == 20

    004D: jump_if_false ££SMOKE2

    0008: $drinkcount += 1



    00D6: if 21

    0031: $startcount >= 10

    00DF: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR driving

    004D: jump_if_false ££SMOKE1

    00D6: if 0

    0038: $smokeon == 1

    004D: jump_if_false ££SMOKE3



    00D6: if 0


    004D: jump_if_false ££SMOKE25


    00D6: if 1

    0031: @6 >= .4 ;; floating-point values

    0023: .7 > @6 ;; floating-point values

    004D: jump_if_false ££SMOKE23

    064C: @13

    0669: "EXHALE" $PLAYER_ACTOR 0.0 0.0 0.0 1 @13

    0883: @13 $PLAYER_ACTOR 5



    00D6: if 0


    004D: jump_if_false ££SMOKE25


    00D6: if 0

    0031: @6 >= .7 ;; floating-point values

    004D: jump_if_false ££SMOKE24

    0650: @13



    00D6: if 0

    00DF: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR driving

    004D: jump_if_false ££SMOKE1



    00D6: if 7

    00DF: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR driving

    82A0: NOT actor $PLAYER_ACTOR stopped

    847A: NOT actor $PLAYER_ACTOR on_motorbike

    0038: $blunton == 1

    0038: $smokecount == 15

    80E1: NOT key pressed 0 17;shoot

    80E1: NOT key pressed 0 5;look l

    80E1: NOT key pressed 0 7;look r

    004D: jump_if_false ££SMOKE255

    0605: unknown_action_sequence $PLAYER_ACTOR "SMOKE_IN_CAR" "PED" 1.0 0 0 0 0 0

    0004: $smokecount = 0

    0002: jump ££SMOKE1



    00D6: if 5

    00DF: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR driving

    02A0: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR stopped

    0038: $blunton == 1

    80E1: NOT key pressed 0 17;shoot

    80E1: NOT key pressed 0 5;look l

    80E1: NOT key pressed 0 7;look r

    004D: jump_if_false ££SMOKE26

    0605: unknown_action_sequence $PLAYER_ACTOR "SMKCIG_PRTL" "GANGS" 1.0 0 0 0 0 0

    0002: jump ££SMOKE1



    00D6: if 5

    80DF: NOT actor $PLAYER_ACTOR driving

    02A0: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR stopped

    80E1: NOT key pressed 0 17;shoot

    80E1: NOT key pressed 0 5;look l

    80E1: NOT key pressed 0 7;look r

    0038: $blunton == 1

    004D: jump_if_false ££SMOKE1

    0605: unknown_action_sequence $PLAYER_ACTOR "SMKCIG_PRTL" "GANGS" 1.0 0 0 0 0 0

    0002: jump ££SMOKE1



    00D6: if 7

    0038: $drinkon == 1

    0038: $bottleon == 1


    847A: NOT actor $PLAYER_ACTOR on_motorbike

    0038: $drinkcount == 20

    80E1: NOT key pressed 0 17;shoot

    80E1: NOT key pressed 0 5;look l

    80E1: NOT key pressed 0 7;look r

    004D: jump_if_false ££SMOKE1

    0605: unknown_action_sequence $PLAYER_ACTOR "DRNKBR_PRTL" "GANGS" 1.0 0 0 0 0 0

    0004: $drinkcount = 0

    0002: jump ££SMOKE1

    004E: end thread



    03A4: name thread 'DRINK'

    04ED: load_animation "GANGS"

    0247: request model #KB_BEER

    0247: request model #cj_bear_bottle

    0004: $drinkon = 0

    0006: @30 = 1

    0006: @31 = 1

    0004: $bottlenum = 0



    0213: @2 = create_pickup #KB_BEER type 3 at 2251.814 -1255.919 25.45161 //game start (beer)

    0213: @3 = create_pickup #KB_BEER type 3 at 2450.654 -1710.004 13.56381 //ryders house (beer)

    0213: @4 = create_pickup #KB_BEER type 3 at 499.9867 -76.86562 999.6047 //bar (beer)


    0213: @6 = create_pickup -389 type 3 at 2254.729 -1254.212 25.45676 //game start (wine)

    0213: @7 = create_pickup -389 type 3 at 2450.213 -1716.74 13.6833 //ryders house (wine)

    0213: @8 = create_pickup -389 type 3 at 499.0795 -73.34201 998.7578 //bar (wine)



    0001: wait 500 ms

    00D6: if 22

    0214: pickup @6 picked up

    0214: pickup @7 picked up

    0214: pickup @8 picked up

    004D: jump if false ££DRINK41

    0215: destroy pickup @6

    0215: destroy pickup @7

    0215: destroy pickup @8

    0004: $bottlenum = 2

    016A: fade 0 () 500 ms

    0001: wait 1000 ms

    0002: jump ££DRINK42



    00D6: if 22

    0214: pickup @2 picked up

    0214: pickup @3 picked up

    0214: pickup @4 picked up

    004D: jump if false ££DRINK6

    0215: destroy pickup @2

    0215: destroy pickup @3

    0215: destroy pickup @4

    0004: $bottlenum = 1

    016A: fade 0 () 500 ms

    0001: wait 1000 ms

    0006: @55 = -389

    0006: @30 = 0

    0006: @31 = 0

    03FD: set player $PLAYER_CHAR handling responsiveness 1

    052C: set player $PLAYER_CHAR drunk visuals 0

    015D: set gamespeed 1.0

    0002: jump ££DRINK45


    :DRINK42 ;wine bottle pickup code

    00D6: if 0

    0038: $drinkon == 0

    004D: jump_if_false ££DRINK35

    03FD: set player $PLAYER_CHAR handling responsiveness 5

    052C: set player $PLAYER_CHAR drunk visuals 255

    015D: set gamespeed 1.0

    0006: @55 = -389

    0006: @30 = 0

    0006: @31 = 0

    0002: jump ££DRINK45


    :DRINK35 ;if bottle has been picked up, execute this

    00D6: if 0

    0038: $drinkon == 1

    004D: jump if false ££DRINK3

    0004: $drinkon = 0

    0108: destroy_object $bottle

    0004: $bottlenum = 0

    0004: $bottleon = 0

    03FD: set player $PLAYER_CHAR handling responsiveness 1

    052C: set player $PLAYER_CHAR drunk visuals 0

    015D: set gamespeed 1.0

    0006: @30 = 1

    0006: @31 = 1

    016A: fade 1 (back) 500 ms

    0001: wait 10000 ms

    0002: jump ££DRINK2


    :DRINK45 ;beer bottle pickup code (and eventual wine code)

    00D6: if 0

    0038: $drinkon == 0

    004D: jump if false ££DRINK35

    0004: $drinkon = 1 ;set drink pickup picked up

    0004: $smokeon = 0 ;set weed pickup not picked up

    04C4: create_coordinate $x $y $z from_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR offset 0.0 0.0 0.0

    0107: $bottle = create_object @55 at $x $y $z

    0177: set_object $bottle z_angle_to 90.0

    035D: toggle_object $bottle targetable 1

    0004: $bottleon = 1

    070A: unknown_action_sequence $PLAYER_ACTOR $bottle @31 @31 @30 6 16 "NULL" "NULL" -1 //left

    016A: fade 1 (back) 500 ms

    0002: jump ££DRINK2



    00D6: if 0

    0038: $drinkon == 1

    004D: jump if false ££DRINK3


    :DRINK61 ;this keeps the drunk effect going on, no more wearing off!

    00D6: if 2

    0038: $bottlenum == 2

    0038: $smokeon == 0

    0038: $drinkon == 1

    004D: jump_if_false ££DRINK812



    00D6: if 21

    8039: NOT player $PLAYER_CHAR drunk visuals == 255

    8039: NOT player $PLAYER_CHAR handling responsiveness == 5

    004D: jump_if_false ££DRINK812

    03FD: set player $PLAYER_CHAR handling responsiveness 5

    052C: set player $PLAYER_CHAR drunk visuals 255



    00D6: if 2

    0038: $bottleon == 1

    0038: $drinkon == 1

    80DF: NOT actor $PLAYER_ACTOR driving

    004D: jump_if_false ££DRINK85



    00D6: if 0

    00E1: key pressed 0 15; enter car

    004D: jump_if_false ££DRINK81

    0002: jump ££DRINK82



    00D6: if 21

    02D8: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR currentweapon == 0

    02D8: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR currentweapon == 1

    004D: jump_if_false ££DRINK82

    0002: jump ££DRINK9



    0108: destroy_object $bottle

    0004: $bottleon = 0

    0002: jump ££DRINK9




    00D6: if 2

    0038: $bottleon == 0

    0038: $drinkon == 1

    80DF: NOT actor $PLAYER_ACTOR driving

    004D: jump_if_false ££DRINK9



    00D6: if 22

    00E1: key pressed 0 15; enter car

    02D8: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR currentweapon == 0

    02D8: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR currentweapon == 1

    004D: jump_if_false ££DRINK9



    00D6: if 2; if running to a car

    80E1: NOT key pressed 0 0; move

    80E1: NOT key pressed 0 1;move

    82A0: NOT actor $PLAYER_ACTOR stopped

    004D: jump_if_false ££DRINK88

    0002: jump ££DRINK9



    00D6: if 0

    0038: $drinkon == 1

    04C4: create_coordinate $x $y $z from_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR offset 0.0 0.0 0.0

    0107: $bottle = create_object @55 at $x $y $z

    070A: unknown_action_sequence $PLAYER_ACTOR $bottle @31 @31 @30 6 16 "NULL" "NULL" -1

    0004: $bottleon = 1



    00D6: if 25

    00E1: key pressed 0 0; move

    00E1: key pressed 0 1;move

    00E1: key pressed 0 15;enter/exit

    00E1: key pressed 0 17;shoot

    00E1: key pressed 0 14;jump

    00E1: key pressed 0 18;crouch

    004D: jump_if_false ££DRINK11

    00D6: if 1


    80DF: NOT actor $PLAYER_ACTOR driving

    004D: jump_if_false ££DRINK11

    0605: unknown_action_sequence $PLAYER_ACTOR "PRTIAL_GNGTLKC" "GANGS" 1.0 0 0 0 0 1



    00D6: if 5

    00DF: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR driving

    0038: $bottleon == 0

    0038: $drinkon == 1

    80E1: NOT key pressed 0 17;shoot

    80E1: NOT key pressed 0 5;look l

    80E1: NOT key pressed 0 7;look r

    004D: jump_if_false ££DRINK12

    04C4: create_coordinate $x $y $z from_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR offset 0.0 0.0 0.0

    0107: $bottle = create_object @55 at $x $y $z

    070A: unknown_action_sequence $PLAYER_ACTOR $bottle @31 @31 @30 6 16 "NULL" "NULL" -1

    0004: $bottleon = 1



    00D6: if 2

    00DF: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR driving

    0038: $bottleon == 1

    0038: $drinkon == 1

    004D: jump_if_false ££DRINK3



    00D6: if 22

    00E1: key pressed 0 17;shoot

    00E1: key pressed 0 5;look l

    00E1: key pressed 0 7;look r

    004D: jump_if_false ££DRINK3

    0605: unknown_action_sequence $PLAYER_ACTOR "PRTIAL_GNGTLKC" "GANGS" 1.0 0 0 0 0 1

    0108: destroy_object $bottle

    0004: $bottleon = 0

    0002: jump ££DRINK3

    004E: end thread

  3. Je vais vous présentez une grosse compilation que j'ai faite pour le plaisir de vos yeux. :frim:


    Alors voici toute les modifications apporté au jeux :



    - Taille exact du mod (780,39 MB)

    - Installation automatique

    - plus de 1700 texture remplacée (inc. LOD)

    - 100% de la map et enneigé

    - Neige realiste qui tombe (pressé CTRL+[Num+])

    - menu météo (pressé 1 pour faire apparaître le menu)

    - Possibilité d'éteindre ou de'allumé la voiture (pressé Page Up- et Page Down)

    - Caméra bougable dans la map (pressé K)

    - choix de la voiture sur place (pressé 2)

    - 270 installation d'option (Version GAMI)

    - 152 nouveau vehicule

    - 30 nouvelles coupes de cheveux

    - De surprenant detail sillonne les rue (glaçon,neige etc..)

    - La route devient glissante à cause de la neige

    - Un handing realiste

    - Des texture photo-realiste

    - Marque de pied sur la neige, quand cj marche

    -Trace sur les route à cause de la neige (voiture,pas ect..)

    - Nouvelle trace pendant le freinage

    - Réflexion de neige sur les véhicules

    - Qualité supérieur pour les phare

    - Eau ajusté pour le mods

    - Neige sur les pneu.

    - Haute texture pour les intérieur

    - Végétation enneigé

    - Objet ajusté

    - Nouvelle jante

    - Nouvelle arme

    - Nouveau tunning pour vos vehicule

    - Certaine nouvelle mission

    - Salle d'exposition de Véhicule dans "Ottos Carsaloon"

    - 13 eastereggs

    - Panneau publicitaire

    -Menu pour choisir vos vêtement sur place

    -Choisissé une point sur la carte et téléporter vous sur le point que vous avez placez.

    -Cj peux fumer

    -Cj peut boire de l'alcool

    -Cj peut vomir

    -Cj peut faire pipi :rolleyes:

    -Cj peut dancer

    -Cj peut voler sur un balet

    -Cj peut rentrer dans une voiture comme passager

    -Cj peut tirer un gros boulet qui explose

    -Menu pour choisir ces jante

    -Possibilité d'ouvrir les portière,le coffre et le moteur

    -Eteindre et rallumer les phare

    -Menu tunning

    -Possibilité de mettre un saut devant cj

    -Compteur sofistiqué (Km/H)

    -Vous dever géré l'essance.


    Code spécial à faire pendant la partie :


    PED: pour choisir nimporte quelle civil pour votre gang

    FIREWORKS: pour faire un feux d'artifice

    STOP: arrête le temps à pars cj

    PORTAL: Tire avec votre arme et sa creer une porte de téléportation.

    FPS:vue première personne.


    Voici tout les vehicule modifié :

    GMC Sierra Police "Snow Edition"

    IFA W50 Straßenräumfahrzeug

    1986 Ford Econoline "Journey Winter Edition"

    Woofis Hotrod )

    Ford Crown Victoria "Snow Edition"

    Woofi´s Truck Pack

    Landrover Defender 110SW

    IFA W50

    1936 Sedan Fordor V8

    IFA W50 LA/A/C "Duneride"

    1946 RoughRider Cigarette

    Ducati996's Bandito Madness

    1972 Vespa N-50 V2

    1974 Ford Capri RS Cosworth

    Buick 1950 Custom

    1996 Cadillac Eldorado

    2004 Saturn Ion Quad Coupe

    1996 Lincoln Mark VIII

    "BAGGAGE" Airport SERVICE Vehicle


    Shelby GT500E

    Peterbilt 359

    1992 Chevrolet Caprice Station Wagon

    BMW 316i (E36)

    KAMAZ AC 7,0-40 (43118)

    1985 Cadillac Fleetwood Limousine

    Toyota Trueno AE86

    Lamborghini Murcielago V12 6.2L

    1957 Dodge Lancer

    Ferrari Enzo 2003

    1986 Ford Econoline Ambulance

    1998 Mazda Demio LT

    1985 Cadillac Coupe DeVille

    1991 Chevrolet Caprice Taxi

    Mercedes Benz S 600

    Chevrolet Silverado 3500

    BF Evolution

    MIL-24 Hind Gunship

    1999 Dodge Intrepid

    1986 Chevrolet 3500 SWAT T2

    1985 GMC 6000 Armored Truck


    1969 GM TDH-5303 V 1.0 Santa Monica Intercity Bus Lines



    1932 Ford Roadster

    Nissan 240 SX ,

    GMC 1955

    1993 Chevrolet Caprice Taxi

    Plymouth Road Runner

    Mercedes Benz Sprinter (Perduto Style)

    1985 Cadillac Fleetwood Hearse

    Peterbilt Packer

    1986 Ford E-250 Monster Truck

    1985 Mercedes 500SE

    Bell 13h

    Maserati MC12

    The speedboat with no name

    Sports Fishing Boat

    1982 Mack R 600 DumpTruck

    GMC 6000 "Yankee"

    1999 Volvo V40

    DeHavilland Beaver

    Yamaha M1 Version 2.0


    1959 Chevrolet

    Honda CRF450R Xtreme

    Bell H13 "M.A.S.H."

    1986 Hummer "MP"


    1970 Chevrolet Chevelle SS

    Beechcraft Baron 58 T


    Jaguar XJ220

    1949 Ford Frieghter

    1981 Mercury Grand Marquis Colony Park

    2007 Jaguar XK Convertible

    Spin Wheel BMX

    1976 Dodge Tradesman SWB Van (Mild Custom 4x4)

    NEOPLAN N 9022 AIRPORT BUS by Denis Dolgushev

    Caterpiller T530

    Bell 206B JetRanger II

    Robinson R44 Raven II

    Jeep Cherokee (1984-1990)


    1972 Linclon Continental Mark IV

    Nissan Pickup Dakar 2004

    Toyota Corolla GT-S Twin Cam 16V

    1986 Jeep Wrangler 4.0 "Fury"

    Aston Martin Road Warrior

    Maibatsu Canyon

    1985 Cadillac Fleetwood Brougham

    Low Rider Bike

    1964 Ford Thunderbird

    1959 Cadillac Eldorado

    Ducati 996

    Yamaha M1


    Mercedes-Benz Actros 6x4


    BMW M3 GTR

    1992 Dynasty LE v2

    Tunable Tractor

    New Holland TX 34 Combine Harvester

    Honda S2000

    1963 Chevrolet Impala Lowrider

    DBAG Baureihe 101

    LCAC (Landing Craft Air Cushion)

    Ford GT40

    Ford Torino Rusty

    1985 GMC Sierra 2500

    Renault-19 Chamade


    2006 Lexus IS300

    1976 Chevrolet Nova

    2007 Audi RS 4

    Mitsubishi Galant VR6

    1986 Chevrolet Silverado K-10 2500

    Jaguar XK Stock + Convertible 2005

    Mazda Miata RX-7

    Mitsubishi Lancer Evo IX MR Edition

    Nissan Stagea 25RS Four S

    Nissan Skyline GT-R (R-34)

    VW Golf IV

    1963 Chevrolet Impala 4 Door Hardtop


    Bugatti Veyron

    Tunable Mower

    1930 Minerva AL


    1958 Chevrolet Impala

    Mitsubishi Fuso Crane 8X4

    Suzuki GSXR Final

    Nissan Primera

    Honda Goldwing

    Nissan 300 ZX

    VW Golf GTI R32 W8

    Maule Orion

    1985 Ford LTD Crown Victoria Interceptor LAPD

    Pontiac GTO Police Edition

    Chevrolet El Camino

    A-11 "Miniwar"

    2003 Mitsubishi Eclipse

    1987 Camaro IROC-Z T-Tops

    1978 Ford F-150 "Old Crate" Edition (Damaged)

    1991 Chevrolet Step Van 30 V2

    Holiday Trailer

    1951 Ford Wrecker

    BMW 318i Touring

    GTA-Action Monster Truck

    Lexus GS430 Bj. 1999

    Boeing 737-800

    Land Rover Discovery 2

    Rolls-Royce Phantom'03 V2.0

    Antonov An-225 Mriya

    Skoda Octavia


    - Nouvelle partie nécessaire. (GTA SA V1.00)


    Maintenant quelque screen (cliqué sur les liens, et dès que vous ête dans l'hébergeur re-cliqué pour voir la taille réel) :


























    Je sais que c'est peu mais je tiens à gardé le suspens pour l'instant. :boxing:



    Ps: ceux qui voudrons une sauvegarde 100% qui fonctionne avec le mods, dite le moi, je vous la passerais.

  4. J'ai trouver que le tuto de thomasleroi n'étais pas assez complet à mon gout, je trouve qu'il manque trop de screen, pour les débutants je trouve qu'il ne comprenne pas assez bien, loin de la l'idée de critiquer mais je veux améliorer.


    Alors dans ce tuto je vais vous apprendre à modifier des sons de gta san andreas, commençons par le bruit des moteur.


    Avant tout faite un copier coller de votre fichier "GENRL"

    Alors tout d'abord télécharger ce logiciel :

    SaatGuiFront part.1 :

    SaatGuiFront part2 :


    Dès que cela est télécharger dézipper les deux partie dans un dossier, et lancer l'appliquation.

    Vous verrez ceci normalement :


    Ensuite double cliquer sur "GENRL" et vous verrez plein de chose ou c'est écrit "bank,2,3 ect..."

    C'est ici que nous allons commencer à modifier les sons.

    Alors avant de commancer nous allons télécharger bien entendu des sons de voiture,camion ect...

    C'est à cette adresse qu'il y en a le plus :

    Imaginons que je télécharge le sons de la dodge charger '69, apres avoir télécharger le son, dézipper les deux dossier nommé "bank_039" et "bank_040"

    (bien entendu a chaque voiture les numéro change, ceci n'est qu'un exemple)

    Ensuite vous regarder les numéro a la fin, ici c'est 39 et 40, alors dans le programme allez au bank 39 et 40, comme ici :

    Après avoir fait cela il vous faudra les remplacer pars ceux que vous avez télécharger, alors séléctioner dans le programme "bank_039\sound_001.waw" et en haut du programme vous avez ceci :

    Alors la il vous faut cliquer sur le dossier ou il y a une flèche qui rentre, alors la il faudra que vous remplaciez par les sons que vous avez télécharger, et un de si suite, ensuite vous selectionner "sound_002" ensuite "003" ect..


    Deuxième Tuto :


    Modifier les musique du jeux (radio, parole ect...)


    Faite un copier coller du fichier "SFX"


    Alors pour commencer télécharger ce programme :

    Ensuite executer-le, installer-le, et lancez-le.

    Vous verrez ceci :

    Alors cliquez sur "add", et choisissez un mp3 de votre choix.

    ensuite vous verrez ceci :

    Alors choisissez "ogg" en bas du programme.

    Et ensuite cliquez sur le bouton rose qui se nomme "encode", et vous verrez ceci :

    Et la musique convertie devrait être dans : C:\OUT_MEDIA_FILES\

    Alors ensuite vous ouvrez SaatGuiFront et vous allez dans le dossier "stream" cette fois, la vous verrez toute les radio, vous double cliquez sur celle de votre choix, et vous verrez plein de nom de musique avec a la fin ".ogg", et la vous prenez la musique que vous avez convertie en ogg et vous remplacé la musique de votre choix pars celle que vous avez converti.

    Voila et c'est comme ca pour les dossier suivant Pour tout les dossier qui se trouve dans stream.

    Si vous n'avez pas compris quelque chose n'hésité surtout pas. :frim:

  5. oui je suis sur est certain


    il faut que tu prenne spark est rentrer les fichier BSM avec se logiciel

    il se telecharge la:

    tu me redit

    si tu l'utilise deja esseie de mettre tout les fichier d'un coup mais si tu l'utilise pas tu ne le fait surtout pas.

    aussi dit moi se que le message d'erreur te dit

  6. bien sur:


    tu vas dans gta3.img et trouve les fichier petro.txd, petro.dff, petror.dff, petror.txd des que tu les a trouver tu les remplace par ceux qui sont fourni dans le dossier rar.


    pour les fichier script.img et main.scm tu va dans gta san andreas/data/script est la tu les remplace par cux fourni dans le dossier rar.


    pour le fichier default.ide tu vas dans gta san andreas/data est la tu le remplace par celui fourni dans le dossier rar.


    pour tout les fichier qui porte le nom de BSM tu vas dans gta3.img (qui se trouve dans gta san andreas/models) est tu les ajoute tous sans rien replacer.


    voilasi ta pas compris quelque chose dit le moi.



  7. oui effectivement le download n'est pas bien, je ne sais pas si on a le droit mais bon je vais quand meme vous le faire parvenir a l'aide de megauloapad:



    petit (tres petit) tuto:


    h) rentrer dans le bus est appuyer 3 secnde sur h

    y) pour ouvrir les porte

    s+delete) changer de vitesse

    n) pour activer l'essuie glace

    ctrl) pour abaisser le changement de vitesse

    h) (quand vous ete en vus interieur) activer le ventilateur

    é) activer les mission


    voila un petit tuto pour ceux qui ne parle pas le russe LOL


    dite moi si vous n'aver pas compris ou mettre les dossier ou si vous avez un probleme.

  8. Bonjours a tous et a toute,

    voila alors je vais m'acheter un nouvel ordi mais je voudrais vous demander votre avis pour ne pas depensez pour rien:

    si je pourrai jouer a ses jeu sans lag (saccade ect...):


    gta san andreas

    test drive unlimited

    city life edition 2008

    colin macra dirt

    counter strike source

    gta san andreas (avec plein de mods comme des voitures,maps,trains,mods qui remplace tout, ect...)


    voila La config:

    INTEL® CORE 2 DUO E4500(2.2GHz)

    Windows® XP Professional

    Disque dur 250 Gb

    Carte graphique X1650 Pro IceQ 256MB

    2Gb de DDR2 RAM


    merci beaucoup de me repondre par oui ou par non pour chaque jeu


    Merci beaucoup a ceux qui m repondrons :frim:

  9. non mes bruit de voiture ne son pas ete obtenu en payant il on ete obtenu grace a des modification de son autre que ceux de voiture et je sais sa car j'en connait un qui fait sa est que j'en ai fait quelque un grace a des logiciel, je peut te dire que c'est les auteur qu'il les mette a disposition de tout le monde sur des site connu, est pour te dire on a tout a fait le droit de citer des nom de site il n'y a rien d'illegal je crois meme qu'il en son content les createur des site.

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