graffx Posté(e) le 14 octobre 2007 Signaler Partager Posté(e) le 14 octobre 2007 (modifié) Salut a tous, je suis un fervant fan de la serie gta, ainsi que de votre site car si je ne m' etais jamais inscrit jusqu' ici, je passais tres frequemment. J' ai quelques questions notemment sur le mod superman. Voici l' original .txt fourni avec le mod. Superman SA v1.0 BETA Player Model for GTA SAN ANDREAS Author: VC1976JLN Description: Play as Clark Kent, Superman "Classic Version" or Superman Returns 2006 Version. Superman can fly, Run extremely Fast, Has Super Strength, Use Super Powers. Authors Note: I did not create the script for Superman. His Ability's and so forth came from another mod known as "SUPER CJ" & Part from "Superhero" MOD. Playing as Clark Kent, you have super strength, But you can die. You can only have superpowers while playing SUPERMAN. You Can only play as either Superman Classic or Superman Returns, You Must Choose which one you like the most!! You cannot install both Superman's! **Fact** YOU MUST PURCHASE THE SUPERMAN CAPE, AT ANY BINCO'S CLOTHING STORE. "AFRICAN PENDANT" CHAINS. **Fact** If you want Clark Kent to wear glasses they must be purchased at the Deider Saches Clothing Store "Black Rim" Shades. **Fact** If you want Clark Kent to be without hat, go to reece's barbershop get AFRO. Superman's Abilities and Controls (Superman is in the Gimpsuit) You can immediately access by typing "BEKKNQV" type it a second time to deactivate the cheat you still get the suit! Playing as Superman you can change back to Clark Kent or vice versa by pressing Target+LookBehind. (You will lose your Powers as Clark Kent.) If you play as Clark Kent and lose health it will be restored, when you change back into Superman. To Fly: Press Jump+Crouch Superman will elevate and start flying. You can change the Speed of Flight by: Pressing ConversationNo Superman will Accelerate. Pressing ConversationYes Superman will Decelerate. (Superman has two poses while flying, You can change between them in flight with GroupForward.) To Run at high speed, While Superman is on the ground: (I have only done this once, I know it works, don't know exactly what buttons to hit to activate.) Press ConversationNo to Accelerate Press ConversationYes to Decelerate. The Power Meter Controls the Speed of which Superman reacts like fighting, if the power meter is all the way up you will not see him throw the punch nor, will anyone be affected by it. Other Powers Super-Breath by: (It's More Like Mind Control...((I know))...But this is Superman Theme.) Pressing GroupForward will make Superman lift a car with his breath. pressing GroupBackward will blow the car in front of him, with total control of the car. Pressing GroupForward again will release the car. He can also push the car forward by pressing GroupBackward. Super-Heat Vision by: (No-Animation of beams comming from his eyes.) Pressing Target+Ctrl GroupBackward Superman will use his heat vision to make an explosion in front of him. Pressing Target+Ctrl GroupForward Superman will use the heat vision on his self and burst into flames burning everything within a range. Installation: BACK UP ALL THE FILES YOU EDIT / REPLACE!! TOOLS NEEDED: IMG TOOL PLAYER FILES All files in the following folders must be placed into your: PLAYER.IMG FILE LOCATED: ROCKSTAR\GTA SAN ANDREAS\MODELS\"PLAYER.IMG FILE" CLARK KENT BETA CLASSIC SUPERMAN BETA SUPERMAN RETURNS BETA SHARED PARTS FLYING ABILITY The following files must be placed into your: SCRIPT FOLDER LOCATED: ROCKSTAR\GTA SAN ANDREAS\DATA\SCRIPT MAIN.SCM SCRIPT.IMG LOADING SCREENS The following files must be placed into your: TXD FOLDER LOCATED: ROCKSTAR\GTA SAN ANDREAS\MODELS\TXD LOADSCS.TXD SUPER STRENGTH I've created a small mod with the GTA Ultimate editor, to give Clark/Superman Super Strength. Just double click the icon and select your gta san andreas folder where your gta_sa.exe is located. Location: Rockstar\gta san andreas\ The following folders must be placed into your: GTA3.IMG FILE LOCATED: ROCKSTAR\GTA SAN ANDREAS\MODELS\ "GTA3.IMG" Super Tags Choose which Folder: Classic Superman Tags or Superman Returns Tags This is my 3rd Player Model for GTA: San Andreas. I Hope You Like it!! Je vais donc vous dire ce que j' ai fait, et peu etre pourriez vous m' expliquer pourquoi mon personnage est toujours CJ dans San Andreas. PLAYER FILES All files in the following folders must be placed into your: PLAYER.IMG FILE LOCATED: ROCKSTAR\GTA SAN ANDREAS\MODELS\"PLAYER.IMG FILE" CLARK KENT BETA CLASSIC SUPERMAN BETA SUPERMAN RETURNS BETA SHARED PARTS J' ai extraits les fichiers de ces quatre dossiers pour les mettre dans le dossier: ROCKSTAR\GTA SAN ANDREAS\MODELS\"PLAYER.IMG FILE ---------------------- FLYING ABILITY The following files must be placed into your: SCRIPT FOLDER LOCATED: ROCKSTAR\GTA SAN ANDREAS\DATA\SCRIPT MAIN.SCM SCRIPT.IMG J' ai remplace les fichiers MAIN et SCRIPT par les deux au dessus dans le repertoire: ROCKSTAR\GTA SAN ANDREAS\DATA\SCRIPT -------------- LOADING SCREENS The following files must be placed into your: TXD FOLDER LOCATED: ROCKSTAR\GTA SAN ANDREAS\MODELS\TXD LOADSCS.TXD J' ai ajoute le dossier ci-dessus comme demandé. ----------------- SUPER STRENGTH I've created a small mod with the GTA Ultimate editor, to give Clark/Superman Super Strength. Just double click the icon and select your gta san andreas folder where your gta_sa.exe is located. Location: Rockstar\gta san andreas\ La il n' y avait pas cette icone demandée, serait ce la cause? ------------------- The following folders must be placed into your: GTA3.IMG FILE LOCATED: ROCKSTAR\GTA SAN ANDREAS\MODELS\ "GTA3.IMG" Super Tags Choose which Folder: Classic Superman Tags or Superman Returns Tags La j ai deplace le dossier CLASSIC SUPERMAN TAGS dans le repertoire: ROCKSTAR\GTA SAN ANDREAS\MODELS\ "GTA3.IMG" Il en faut un seul sur deux si j' ai bien compris Donc voila, si vous pouviez me guider, car mon anglais n' est pas performant. En theorie d' apres la video suivante: GTa SUPERMAN MOD Je devrai avoir un perso bizarre, mais je n' ai que CJ, inchangé. Je n' ai pas trouvé la cape dans le magasin de vetement, et lorsque je fais la coupe afro, rien de changé a part la coiffure originale dites afro. A savoir aussi que je ne sais pas quelle version de gta sa je peux avoir, que je veuille mettre en version 1 ou 2, l' installateur me dit "Invalid file". J' espere sincerement que vous pourrez m' aider car rien la dessus sur gogole. Et puis c' est vous les pros X) Merci d' avance et continuons la lutte for GTA!!!!! :clap: Modifié le 14 octobre 2007 par graffx Citer Lien vers le commentaire Partager sur d’autres sites More sharing options...
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