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Invité NOS gamer


Tu di kil fo remplacer le fichier main qui est un fichier scm ...

et tu nou fé télécharger un fichier dix foi moins lourd et en format rar.




aide moi je n arrive pa a comprende ?

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Invité reddrooper

ui c normal ke le fichier est plus petit excuse jté pas rep + vite kar prob d'ordi ( karte mer ) !! c speed mem 1 pe trop jvou konseille de telecharger le BROKEN MOD YAS TT CA DN LE BROKEN MOD :

+ No Hidden Packages.


+ No Rampages.


+ No Unique Stunt Jumps.


+ No Insane Stunt Bonuses.


+ No missions or sub-missions.


+ All clothing pickups.


+ All radar icons (of "good" people).


+ Bonus weapon pickups.


+ Bonus attributes (taxi jump, unlimited ammo, fast reload, never get tired , 250 health, 250 armor, fireproof).


+ Bonus mission objects (moneybags, shovel, damaged paintings, trophies in Vercetti Estate).


+ Bonus mission threads (rob the bank at any time, bodyguards (modded)).


o Absolutely invincible.


+ DO NOT fall into water!!!


o Car totally immune (except to Rhino/buildings, of course).


+ Everything-proof, tires unpoppable, heavy car, doors lock.


+ Hold handbrake while stopped to unlock (to allow for passengers).


o To clear wanted level, hold "Look behind (Look left and Look right together)" for one second.


o brokenBoost: NOS-like boost (more like rockets), with blue flames and shaking screen. It's a very controllable boost.


+ Press the sub-mission button while in a vehicle to activate. Boosts progressively, lasts as long as button is held.


o Helicopter hover enhanced.


+ Hover button in helicopters should now act more "hovery," with less sinking.


o Game time passes in realtime, weather changes every 15 minutes.


o Various new parked vehicles in different places, some changed, some taken out.


o Speedometer and speed gauge.


+ Measures approximate MPH of the vehicle. Also shows how much of the maximum speed you are going at.


o I left a few surprises in Pole Position...


+ Originally inaccessible interiors now opened.





+ Swimming or water-walking will be implemented.


+ Street races will be added back in when I find time.


+ More properties are owned, like Moist Palms Hotel, Hooker Inn, Escobar International Airport, North Point Mall, maybe others.

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