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Script Pour Vcm Packager

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Je me suis lancer dans la création de fichier VCM pour les véhicules et autre ajonction de Mod pour VC mais je n'arrive pas à trouver d'aide pour l'ecriture des scripts de VCM Packager!!!

voici ce que j'ai trouver parfois en testant au pif!!! :(


Description - Adds a file to a img file. If the file in the img already exists it will be replaced.

Sy: image_addfile ( imgfile, filetoadd );

Ex: image_addfile('\models\gta3.img','newfile.txd');



Description - Deletes an existing file in an img file.

Sy: image_deletefile ( imgfile, filetodelete );

Ex: image_deletefile('\models\gta3.img','player.txd');



Description - Renames an existing file in an img file to the new name specifed.

Sy: image_renamefile ( imgfile, filetorename, newname );

Ex: image_renamefile('\models\gta3.img','player.txd','player.old');



Description - Changes a car's display name.

Sy: car_updatedisplayname ( carname, displayname );

Ex: car_updatedisplayname('HUNTER', 'Airwolf');



Description - The ide string must not include the ide number (first var). It's not verified to be correct.

Sy: car_updateide ( carname, idestring );

Ex: car_updateide('pcj600','pcj600, pcj600, bike, BIKE, PCJ600, bikes, motorbike, 10, 7, 0, 16, 0.67');



Description - The destination folder MUST exist, it will not be created if it does not and the operation will fail. If the file already exists it will be overwritten and restored on uninstall.

Sy: file_copy ( filename, destinationfolder );

Ex: file_copy('readme.txt', '\data\');



Description - The file is deleted if it exists.

Sy: file_delete ( filetodelete );

Ex: file_delete('\data\readme.txt');





Description - Creates the top most directory in the path. if the path below the top folder does not exist the function will fail.

Sy: folder_make ( foldertocreate );

Ex: folder_make('\data\newmod');



Description - Deletes the top most directory in the path. the folder MUST be empty other wise the function will fail.

Sy: folder_delete ( foldertodelete );

Ex: folder_delete('\data\newmod');



Description - Adds the specified key to the specified section in the gxt file. if the section does not exist it will be created, if the key does not exist it will be created, the key does exist then it will be replaced, section and key names MUST be less than 8 chars (7 or less)

Sy: gxt_addkey ( gxtfile, section, key, text );

Ex: gxt_addkey('\text\american.gxt','newsect','newkey','new key text');



Description - Deletes the specified key to the specified section in the gxt file. If the deleted key is the last key in the section then the section will be deleted too.

Sy: gxt_deletekey ( gxtfile, section, key );

Ex: gxt_deletekey('\text\american.gxt','oldsect','oldkey');



Description - Replaces part of a .col file.

Sy: col_replacechunk(vehicles.col path, vehicle name, new col file);

Ex: gxt_deletekey('\models\vehicles.col','skimmer','skimmer_col');



Ajout une nouvelle ligne de texte (NewTxt) après la ligne rechercher (FindTxt) dans le fichier (File).

Sy: config_insertlineb(File, FindTxt, NewTxt);

Ex: config_insertlineb('/data/test.txt','toto3','titi');



Ajout une nouvelle ligne de texte (NewTxt) avant la ligne rechercher (FindTxt) dans le fichier (File).

Sy: config_insertlinea(File, FindTxt, NewTxt);

Ex: config_insertlinea('/data/test.txt','toto3','titi');



Remplace une line recherchée (FindTxt) par une nouvelle ligne (NewTxt) dans le fichier (File).

Sy: config_replaceline(File, FindTxt, NewTxt);

Ex: config_replaceline('/data/test.txt','toto3','titi');



Supprime la ligne recherchée (FindTxt) dans le fichier (File)

Sy: config_deleteline(File, FindTxt );

Ex: config_deleteline('/data/test.txt','toto3');


Variable declaration

Déclaration d’un variable texte classique:

Ex: $carname = 'Yamaha YZ450F';

Déclaration d’un fichier à inclure dans le mod. :

Ex: $MyFileTxt = include(‘c:\toto\titi.txt’);


SI vous avez d'autre commande à me donner ce serait super! ;)



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