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Tout ce qui a été posté par Slevin

  1. Slevin

    Euh Comment Sa S'appele

    C'est pour ca que moi, j'ai acheter une camera semi professionel (1500 E il y a 5 ans... maintenant c'est les memes a 2000 E ) Et j'en suis tres content. Puis on peut y ajouter des trucs dessus pour que ca fasse mieux... Et puis y a les cams professionels... la, c'est quand je serai realisateur... disons... 24 000 E A peu pres Voila. Apres, moi j'aime bien ce portable. Le seul blem, c'est que j'attendrais un peu avant de m'en acheter un ... PS : dsl, j'suis sur un vieux clavier QWERTY alors, j'ai un epu de Mal et y a pas l'Euro dessus en plus....
  2. Slevin

    Harry Potter 6

    Je l'ai fini y a une demin heure... (je l'ai eu Jeudi... je l'ai lu en 6H et demie... ) Etant un grand fan de la série... j'étais déçu, jusqu'à même pleurer et je m'en suis pas remis... Voila, j'ai peur pour le 7, j'ai pas envie que tous le monde meurt mais ce qui est presque sur c'est que ou c'est Harry qui mourra ou Voldemort ( arretez les gars, faut pas avoir peur ) ou encore... les deux ( très probable ! ) Donc........ voila
  3. Slevin

    Ah Les Chimpanzés!

    C'est pour ça que j'ai demandé qu'est il allé chercher sur google avec le mot "Banane" :lolol:
  4. Slevin

    Ah Les Chimpanzés!

    Pas si con que ça finalement. Mais je me demande pourquoi BANANE n'est ce pas Mister ? On se demande ce que tu chercher sur internet :lolol:
  5. J'ai voté jamais car la dernière fois que j'y suis allé c'était y a ... deux ans...
  6. Elle me fait hum... ( la signature hein ) baver :drool: Sinon, y a un truc que je dois améliorer ?
  7. Salut, j'ai fait une nouvelle sign et avatar, qu'est ce que vous en dîtes ? Et l'avatar que j'ai en ce moment. Quand je mets en signature celle ci, il veut pas il dit qu'elle est trop longue et pourtant ... 500 x 120...
  8. Slevin

    4 Ans ! ça Se Fête

    C'est quoi le rapport avec le sujet ?
  9. Slevin

    4 Ans ! ça Se Fête

    Je crois que c'est simple, midt t'en dira plus, mais si je me rappelle c'était : Midtownmad + A un gars qui commencé par A... C R E A T O R S En fait au début, c'était macrétors fait par deux gars, dont Midtownmad et l'autre... Ar-Boss ? J'en suis pas sur Puis ar boss c'est en aller au début Et c'est resté macréators ...
  10. Slevin

    4 Ans ! ça Se Fête

    Et bien, cher Network, surtout toute l'équipe et celui qui a eu la grande idée de mettre le lumière du jour sur ces sites, autrement dit Midtownmad et l'équipe, je vous souhaite un super anniversaire à tous puisque le network c'est finalement... nous et les sites. Donc je NOUS souhaite un super annif'. Je me rappelle même pas dans quelles circonstances je me retrouvé ici ( :???: ) si y a quelqu'un qui se rappelle quand je suis venu ( du genre TokTok Midt, qui mon acceuillis à bras ouvert et moi je leur est foutu un peu la merdouille au début mais bon... la raison devait bien arrivé un jour nan ? ) qu'il me le dise. Je suis depuis... 3ans et demi au moin, et je suis content que le site... pardon, les sites s'en tirent si bien que ça ! Comme l'a dit Brezho ici on est une grande famille et je suis très content que j'en fait parti. Donc Bon Annif' encore et que ça continue !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ++
  11. Tu crois que le chef de Nintendo acceptera ? Et bien oublie. Il ne sera jamais d'accord. Et puis, je crois que quand même... rockstar ne devrait pas oublier Ghost Town. C'est important puisqu'ils doivent savoir que le monde entier sait que ça existe.
  12. Slevin

    Le Jeu Des Capitales

    Katmandou ( Népal ) ?
  13. Slevin

    D'ou Venez Vous ?

    Je dois me changer Aquitaine : * Myo : Mont de Marsan (40) * Trinita : Parentis (40) Auvergne : * Monsieur Banane : Clermont ferrand (63) Bretagne : * Aikon Polizei : Concarneau (29) * Fanch : Concarneau (29) * Ar_Brezhoneg : Brest (29) * Gros Tony : Rennes (35) * mimiduchat : .... (56) * Tigui : Pontivy (56) Centre : * lelu : Bourges (18) * Ulmo : Bourges (18) Champagne-Ardennes : * MiNi ChOu (51) Franche Comté : * Big_Bonobo : Besançon (25) * *RHCP* : Gray (70) * [KoRn] : Gray (70) * rob : Vesoul (70) * Ptilu : Belfort (90) * Renagade: Belfort (90) Ile de France : * stephino21 : Chavenay (78) / Neuilly-Sur-Seine (92) * Trinita : Bagneux (92) * Badboy : Paris (75) * grounch : Rambouillet (78) * aXis_ : Saint-Maur (94) * k2vintout: Gagny (93) * falcon-f18 : bois d'arcy (78) * ilanm : Paris (75) Languedoc : * sTuD'X : Montpellier (34) Normandie : * [bLK]Firas : Vire (14) * <MiMiL> : Monchaux-Soreng (76) * Raverman : Le Havre (76) * SNOOP : Le Havre (76) Nord Pas De Calais : * KaNaBiSTicK : Saint-Omer (62) PACA : * [nobu] : Nice (06) * drag0n : Arles (13) * Copernicus : Marseille (13) * Stan : Marseille (13) * TTG : Salon de Pce (13) Pays de la Loire : * La fouine : Nantes (44) * BaWoNeR : Nantes (44) * zezete44 : Nantes (44) * midtownmad : St Etienne de Montluc (44) Picardie : * Jarodswan : nanteuil le haudouin (60) Midi-Pyrénées : * Donald Love : Bagnères de Bigorre Québec : * Nick : Longueuil * Superbeast : Laval * TokTok™ : Rimouski * Masta : Terrebonne Belgique : * Xr : Laveu * MISTO: Liege * HOUDA: Namur * iTachi: Bruxelles (1140 Evere) Etranger : * grounch : St Petersbourg (Russie) * Nightbringer : Varsovie (Warszawa - Polska) Ku*** niech zyje Polska! * Ittecrev : Milton Keynes (Angleterre) * Sfimx (Suisse / en pays de vaud) J'ai une idées, si on mettais aussi les origines de chacun ( même si 90 % des gens sont français... ) ?
  14. Slevin

    Harry Potter 6

    Raaaaaah ! Pourquoi tu l'as dit, laisse moi le découvrir tout seul !
  15. J'aurai peut être fait la même chose, le seul blem... c'est que je n'en serai pas capable. Moi ce que j'aurai, je serai resté avec ma copine... et rien d'autres, ma famille encore. Mais je n'irai pas faire chier le monde car quand je serai mort, il devront tout réparé, ce qui serait égoïste. Voila... moi je resterai avec ma copine.
  16. Slevin

    Le Jeu Des Devinettes

    Elle a était prise par la fourrière ?
  17. Slevin

    Paroles De Chansons

    Allez, je commence OFFSPRING : Hit That : The waves of fortune Don´t pull the same She had to get out And make a change She had a kid now But much too young Her baby daddy Out having fun He said "Now I´m on a roll With all the girls I know" His baby mama she is a slut He said "Now I´m on a roll With all the girls I know" I know you wanna Hit That I know you wanna Hit That, Hit That All of the world Is getting ripped i say Fill up some pichers That'll last all day That´s the way That´s the way things go What was a family Is now a sham We´re raising kids now Who raise themselves Sex is a weapon It´s like a drug it gets around untill That crowd will eat you up She said "Now I´m on a run I´m chasing guys for fun" My baby daddy Hey, he´s only one She said "Now I´m on a run I´m chasing guys for fun" I know you wanna Hit That I know you wanna Hit That, Hit That Hey everybody´s getting ripped i say consiqences are a right Folly That´s the way That´s the way things go Well, you´d better wise up Broken up, really such a shame Better wind up Take a chance, everything´s a game And the good stuff Broken up, nothing´s gonna change Well, The more he´s trying The more we buying it He said "Now I´m on a roll With all the girls I know" His baby mama Don´t even know He said "Now I´m on a roll With all the girls I know" I know you wanna Hit That I know you wanna Hit That, Hit That All of the world Is getting ripped i say That´s the way That´s the way things go Long way home : I'm driving down a dusty road I've got nowhere to go No place that i can call my own On and on this road is burning I'm leaving all this crap behind The past is gone, the future's blind Don't care how long it takes this time On and on I'll take the long way home The long way home The long way home If it's for me it's on the way home Like fragments of a broken mind I splinter by my own design This search is not a waste of time On and on this road keeps burning My hands are glued upon the wheel The road ahead is all I feel The only thing left that's real On and on I'll take this long way home The long way home The long way home I will go alone I will go and find it on my own What lies ahead You cannot find for me On and on I'll take the long way home Pretty fly ( for a white guy ) : Give it to me baby Give it to me baby Give it to me baby And all the girlies say im pretty fly for a white guy Uno Dos Tres Quatro Cinco Cinco Seis You know its kinda hard just to get along today Our subject isn't cool but he thinks it anyway He may not have a clue and he may not have style But everything he lacks well he makes up in denial Chorus: So dont deflate, play it straight You know he really doesnt get it anyway Gonna play the field, keep it real For you know a way, for you know a way So if you don't break, just over compensate At least you know you can always go on Ricky Lake The world needs wannabees hey hey do the brand new thing Give it to me baby Give it to me baby Give it to me baby And all the girlies say im pretty fly for a white guy He needs some cool tunes, not just any will suffice but they didnt have ice cube so he bought vanilla ice now cruising in his pinto, he sees homies as he pass but if he looks twice as good (they) gonna kick his lilly ass Repeat Chorus The world loves wannabees hey hey do the trendy thing Now he's getting a tatoo yah, he's getting ink done he asks for a 13 but they drew a 31 friends say he's trying too hard and he's not quite hip but in his own mind he's the, he's the dopest trick Give it to me baby Give it to me baby Give it to me baby Uno Dos Tres Quatro Cinco Cinco Seis Repeat Chorus The world needs wannabees The world loves Wannabees Lets get some more wannabees hey hey do the brand new thing Pleins d'autres de Offspirng, mais je change maintenant : Eminem : Just lose it : Guess who's back, back again Shady's back, tell a friend Now everyone report to the dance floor To the dance floor, to the dance floor Now everyone report to the dance floor Alright stop, pajama time Come here little kiddies on my lap Guess who's back with a brand new rap And I don't mean rap as in a new case Of child investigates and accusates Ah ah ah ah ah, no worries Papa's got a brand new bag of toys What else could I possibly do to make noise? I've done touched on everything but little boys That's not a stab at Michael That's just a metaphor, I'm just psycho I go a little bit crazy sometimes I get a little bit out of control with my rhymes Good god, dip, do a little slide Bend down, touch your toes, and just glide To the center of the dance floor Like TP for my bung hole And it's cool if you let one go Nobody's gonna know, who'd hear it? Give a little "poot poot," it's ok Oops my CD, it just skipped And everyone just heard you let one rip {Refrain:} Now I'm gonna make you dance It's your chance Yeah boy, shake that ass Whoops I mean girl, girl girl girl Girl you know you're my world Alright now lose it (ah ah ah ah ah) Just lose it (ah ah ah ah ah) Go crazy (ah ah ah ah ah) Oh baby (ah ah) oh baby (ah ah) It's Friday and it's my day Ysed to party all the way to Sunday Maybe 'til Monday I don't know what day Everyday's just a holiday Cruisin' on the freeway, feelin' kind of breezy Let the top down and my hair blow I don't know where I'm goin' All I know is when I ger there someone's gonna (touch my body) Excuse me miss, I don't mean to sound like a jerk But I'm feelin' just a little stressed out from work Would you punch me in the stomach and pull my hair Spit on me, maybe gouge my eyes out (yeah) What's ya name girl, what's ya sign? (Man you must be up out yo mind) Dre (ah ah) beer goggles, blind I'm just tryin' to unwind (now I'm) {au Refrain} It's Tuesday and I'm locked up I'm in jail and I don't know what happened They say I was runnin' butt naked Down the street screamin' (ah ah ah ah) Well I'm sorry, I don't remember All I know is this much, I'm not guilty They said "Save it, boy we got you on tape Screamin' at an old lady" (touch my body) Now this is the part where the rap breaks down It's real intense, no one makes a sound Everything looks like it's "8 Mile" now The beat comes back and everybody lose themselves Now snap back to reality, look it's B. Rabbit Oh you signed me up to battle? I'm a grown man Tubba tubba tubba tubba tubba tubba tubba I don't have any lines to go right here so tubba Tellytubby fellas (what) fellas (what) Grab your left, make your right one jealous (what) Black girls, white girls, skinny girls, fat girls Tall girls, small girls, I'm callin' all girls Everyone report to the dance floor It's your chance for a little romance or butt squeezin' It's the season, just go (ah ah ah ah) It's so appeasin' {au Refrain} Lose Yourself ( la plus belle de toute je trouve ) : Look, if you had one shot, one opportunity To seize everything you ever wanted One moment Would you capture it or just let it slip? His palms are sweaty, knees weak, arms are heavy There'ss vomit on his sweater already, mom's spaghetti He's nervous, but on the surface he looks calm and ready To drop bombs, but he keeps on forgettin What he wrote down, the whole crowd goes so loud He opens his mouth, but the words won't come out He's chokin, how everybody's jokin now The clocks run out, times up over, bloah! Snap back to reality, Oh there goes gravity Oh, there goes Rabbit, he choked Hes so mad, but he wont give up that Is he? No He wont have it , he knows his whole back citys ropes It dont matter, hes dope He knows that, but hes broke Hes so stacked that he knows When he goes back to his mobile home, thats when its Back to the lab again yo This whole rap shit He better go capture this moment and hope it dont pass him HOOK: You better lose yourself in the music, the moment You own it, you better never let it go You only get one shot, do not miss your chance to blow This opportunity comes once in a lifetime yo The souls escaping, through this hole that its gaping This world is mine for the taking Make me king, as we move toward a, new world order A normal life is borin, but superstardoms close to post mortar It only grows harder, only grows hotter He blows us all over these hoes is all on him Coast to coast shows, hes know as the globetrotter Lonely roads, God only knows Hes grown farther from home, hes no father He goes home and barely knows his own daughter But hold your nose cuz here goes the cold water His bosses dont want him no mo, hes cold product They moved on to the next schmoe who flows He nose dove and sold nada So the soap opera is told and unfolds I suppose its old potna, but the beat goes on Da da dum da dum da da HOOK No more games, Ima change what you call rage Tear this mothafuckin roof off like 2 dogs caged I was playin in the beginnin, the mood all changed I been chewed up and spit out and booed off stage But I kept rhymin and stepwritin the next cypher Best believe somebodys payin the pied piper All the pain inside amplified by the fact That I cant get by with my 9 to 5 And I cant provide the right type of life for my family Cuz man, these goddam food stamps dont buy diapers And its no movie, theres no Mekhi Phifer, this is my life And these times are so hard and it's getting even harder Tryin to feed and water my seed, plus See dishonor caught up bein a father and a prima donna Baby mama drama screamin on and Too much for me to wanna Stay in one spot, another jam or not Has gotten me to the point, I'm like a snail I've got to formulate a plot fore I end up in jail or shot Success is my only mothafuckin option, failures not Mom, I love you, but this trail has got to go I cannot grow old in Salems lot So here I go is my shot. Feet fail me not cuz maybe the only opportunity that I got HOOK You can do anything you set your mind to, man Puis, pleins d'autres : Ass Like That, How come, 8 Mile Road, Superman, 313, Without me...
  18. Slevin

    Le Jeu Des Capitales

    C'est quoi ce panneau noir en plein milieu ? Connaît pas ... Sinon, je dirais... voyons, il fait beau, on dirait qu'il fait chaud... Alors là... Mexico City ? ( Mexique tiens... )
  19. Slevin

    Le Jeu Des Capitales

    En tout cas y a les mêmes lions qu'à Copenhague
  20. Slevin

    Le Jeu Des Images...

    y a un blem c'est que c'est impossible puisque les avions ont eu... une dizaine de minutes de décalage, donc, après comment trouvais une photo ou on voit les deux avion en même temps attaqué le World Trade Center.... PS : 18 Minutes de Différence...
  21. Slevin

    Le Jeu Des Capitales

    Tiens, j'y étais cet été, et je dirais aussi Copenhague.
  22. Slevin

    Le Jeu Des Capitales

    Et ooooooooouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ( enfin un gagnant ) Je t'adore tu m'as sauvé Gros Tony Vas y à toué !
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